Monday, July 2, 2012

The power of love.

Us humans always need someone that listens to us, cares for us, shows love to us, and councils us. It's a fact. Without love or someone that is always there we feel sad, depressed, unwanted, and many other things. 

Today society has a vision, a plan, an idea. They have planted this idea in the minds of this generation. The idea of what is cool, and normal. Then we have the idea of what is "uncool" and what is "not" normal. This idea has caused people to disrespect, and reject one another. 

Now you may be one of those people who aren't rejected, but have you ever thought about the people that are rejected? The people that are unloved? If you need love and attention, imagine how much more do those people need it. Have you ever thought of that?

That's why they are so many people today, especially teens, that are cutting themselves, running away, in depression, and even committing suicide. They are just looking for a way to diminish the pain. The pain they feel, the emptiness that they have inside. They try to fill that hole with different things, and in different ways. Now,  you don't need another human being to fill that whole or even other things. You may feel filled with those things for a while, but those things don't last forever. They are not everlasting. 

The only person that can make you feel happy. The only person that IS everlasting. The only person that is there for you no matter what. He never leaves your side. His presence overwhelms you with joy, peace, love, and just makes you so happy. Trust me I've felt it. That person is God.

Now I am not telling you that without His presence or His love you will never be happy. I am just saying that without those thing you will never find true happiness in your life. So I invite you to let him in your life today you won't regret it.
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

P.S If you are one of those people that reject or disrespect other people because they are different or "weird". Then just think about the time you felt rejected. Do you really want someone to feel that way all the time? Learn how to show love and love will be giving back to you.
God bless!

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